About Web Development Foundations
Challenger Start your Web Development Career The web specialization track is an opportunity to develop …
10 weeks of Technical training
>2 week of Professional training
>To be announced
After passing this course’ assessment, you will get direct access to Udacity classroom
This course is qualifying you to work as
Android Developer
>This course will qualify you to work as:
You should meet the following criteria:
Proficient in spoken and written English
>Age from 18 years and above
>Be comfortable with Object-Oriented Programming.
>Be familiar with threads and concurrency, and with modular app architectures.Have familiarity with Kotlin language syntax
>Have familiarity with modern language syntax including:
>Optionals/Nullable Types
>Methods with default and variable arguments
>You haven’t joined the Advanced track or the Cross-skilling track or the Expert track before either for this specialization or a different one.
>We recommend you complete the following free course before joining:Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers: https://www.udacity.com/course/kotlin-bootcamp-for-programmers--ud9011
>By the end of this module, you’ll be able to:
By the end of this module, you’ll be able to:
By the end of this module, you’ll be able to:
By the end of this module, you’ll be able to:
Identify the importance of the Agile in the tech fields
Compare Agile versus the more traditional Waterfall approach to product development
Compare, Evaluate and Contrast Scrum, Kanban, and XP
Identify an Agile team’s core roles, optimal size, structure, and cross-functional skills
Get a detailed resume review from an industry professional.
Get a customized review of your LinkedIn profile from an industry professional.
A technical professional will help you organize your profile to showcase your projects and skills.
We partner with leading technology companies to learn how technology is transforming industries, and teach the critical tech skills that companies are looking for in their workforce. With our powerful and flexible digital education platform, even the busiest learners can prepare themselves to take on the most in-demand tech roles.
Advanced RPA Developer with UiPath This goal of this Nanodegree program is to help you …
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