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Front End & Performance Testing

Take your first step towards a career in SW testing. This track is designed to equip you with the tools and projects that can boost your skills towards testing automation and web performance testing. You will learn one of the most in-demand programming languages along with the latest testing automation tools that are widely used in the industry and highly required in SW testing job vacancies. You will apply the SW testing concepts and learn automation skills that are highly needed in every SW team.

Application will be opened soon

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Estimated Duration

8 weeks of training

  • 7 weeks of Technical training

  • 1 weeks of Professional Training

Qualifying for

This course is qualifying you to work as

  • Junior SW Tester

  • Quality Assurance SW Engineer

  • SW Development Engineer in Testing (SDET)

More Details

This course will qualify you to work as:

  1. Junior SW Tester
  2. Quality Assurance SW Engineer
  3. SW Development Engineer in Testing (SDET)

Enrolled By

December 2024

To be announced

After passing this course’ assessment, you will get direct access to Udacity classroom


You should meet the following criteria:

More Details
  1. Proficient in spoken and written English
  2. Basic computer skills
  3. No prior professional experience required
  4. Excellent problem-solving skills
  5. Good knowledge of any programming language
  6. Age from 18 years and above
  7. You haven’t joined the Professional track or the Advanced track or the Cross-skilling track before either for this specialization or a different one.
  • Proficient in spoken and written English

  • Basic computer skills

  • No prior professional experience required

  • Excellent problem-solving skills

  • Good knowledge of any programming language

  • Age from 18 years and above

  • You haven’t joined the Professional track or the Advanced track or the Cross-skilling track before either for this specialization or a different one.

Provided by

Built in collaboration with

What You will learn?

Java Programming

  • You will be taking your first step towards a career in SW development by learning Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.
  • You will learn one of the most in-demand programming languages, Java.
  • You will use core programming concepts using Java to create complex algorithms and solve real-world problems using Java applications.

ISTQB Foundation Agile Tester Extension

  • You will be able to understand the Agile SW development methodology.
  • You will learn the fundamental Agile Testing Principles, Practices, and processes in SW development, in addition to Agile testing techniques and tools.

Effective Test case and bug report writing techniques

  • you will learn how to design and write effective test cases that can benefit SW teams while testing and reporting their tests.
  • Writing test cases and bug report is one of the crucial skills a SW tester needs for effective testing and enhancing the overall quality of the produced SW.

Web frontend UI/UX testing

  • You will learn how to apply OOP Principles to UI Test Automation.
  • You will learn how to find web elements using different locator techniques.
  • You will understand the benefits of using automation tools and frameworks like MAVEN Framework.
  • You will learn how to create a test suite using TestNG.

Web Performance Testing

  • You will know all types of performance tests and when to execute them.
  • You will be able to define performance risks, goals, and requirements to meet the stakeholders’ expectations.
  • You will understand how to analyze and properly report the found results/data.

Enjoy our

Career Readiness Privileges

Resume Review

Get a detailed resume review from an industry professional.

LinkedIn Review

Get a customized review of your LinkedIn profile from an industry professional.

GitHub Review

A technical professional will help you organize your profile to showcase your projects and skills.

Watch our graduates’ stories!

Program Success Stories

Jirar Kamel
Data Analysis Graduate (Challenger & Professional)
Ahmed El-Saddek
Data Analysis Graduate (Advanced & Expert)
Mina Makram
Web Development Graduate (Professional Track)
Abdelrahman Magdy
Freelancer – Web Development Graduate (Professional & Advanced)
Ahmed Gharib
Data Analysis Graduate (Challenger & Professional & Advanced)
Mohamed Samir
Digital Marketing Graduate (Advanced Track)
Maha Zanaty
Digital Marketing Graduate (Advanced Track)
Mohamed Mahmoud
Web & Digital Marketing Graduate (Challenger – Professional)

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